Tuesday, October 16, 2018

WE tree ring "Eclypta Alba.

     "WE tree ring" Eclypta Alba.

Assalamuallaikum Excuse me.

Tree, shrub or bush WE bring many areas Sunda.hirupna dikebon.digaleungan sawah.diburuan.disisi walls are slightly wet.
Dimasarakat public usually only know we bring the drug to herbal hair hungkul.padahal addition to rambut.seeur very beneficial to the public's Disease in people's disabudereun.
So hopefully this is useful information ..
Nanapon efficacy trees or leaves us bring such ...

1.obat hair / anti kotombe / or reduce huis uban.carana;
Wash clean the plant dibebeuk continue to swipe bubuk.balurkeun kasabudeur we head.
By routine Allah hair soft and glossy black.

2.pendarahan and whitish wife does;
Wash the leaves taste .godog ngagolak..caina to drink 2 glasses sapoena.insya God damang.kanggo white slippers on 3x sapoena.

3.darah tinggi..carana;
Godog roots and drink 2 glasses sapoena.hyper deui.mun have normal blood pressure down pressure darahna.distop drink godogan was.

4.sesah BAB..minum godogan and a glass a day.

5.rileks / relaxation.
Godogan and drink mixed with honey.
Circulatory lancar.awak be fit.

6.gangguan kidney difficult kencing./ diuretik.carana;
Godogan mixed drink and drink a glass of salt sakedik.sapoe.

7.pemulihan newly birth to;
Godogan was drinking honey mixed with bulbs Riddles sacukupna..Insya God .nifas.moal hemorrhage fever.

8.rutin drink godogan leaves ieu.mata so bengras.bersih.
Hopefully the benefits.

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