Tuesday, October 16, 2018

POTATO # solanum tuberosum

   "Potatoes # Solanum tuberosum"

Hello w.w ..Sampurasun

The name Hui Potato God willing we will all barireuk deui.didaerah R Potato regular disayur or made of a variety of snack food until Kiripik potatoes.
Seem typical, tastes and nyehatkeun.
Minerals and other such VitaminD, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus,
Zinc, vitamin B6, Karbo hydrate.
very good to the health of us all.
These are some of the triple can Blandongan by Hui Potatoes:

1.Diabetes to:
Consumption boil potatoes sadidinten to replace Rice.
Because the potato content Karbo hydrate and low, benteun carbo hydrates and rice tinggi.kukituna potatoes are good to have triple Diabetes.
Carbo hydrate less good to have a high sugar content.

2.Kanker Prostate / Tumor how:
Vitamin B6 is found in potatoes, not to prevent tumors and prostate cancer.
Consumption 2 seed potatoes boil sapoena.

Kidney 3.Batu to:
2 seed potatoes washed by brushing.
godog water 6 gelas.sesakeun 2 cups.
Godogan water consumption of potatoes was sapoena 2 gelas..kentangna can also be poured.

4.Kolesterol / High Blood to:
A raw potato is sedeung ageungna + garlic cloves diparud sa + water pressed gelas.hijikeun.diperes quarter.
Drinking water runs down the days sakali.3 psnyawatna.ereunan consumption of herbal.

5.Jantung to:
Potassium and Magnesium high, good for the circulation of the heart of God darah.Insya safe.
Consumption 3 seeds boil potatoes each day.

6.Regenerasi new cells to:
Sadidinteun potato vegetable consumption.

7.Bisul / Acne / puffy eyes how:
Sliced ​​potatoes ipis.tempelkeun canoe bisul.salian cold, not to ngasakeun benyeur ulcers.
Acne how to paste the same.
Ge points to the same paste canoe swollen.

8.Tulang / Frame body healthy way:
Mineral Kalsium.Besi.Seng.Fosfor very good to flesh child or elder.
Consumption boil potatoes sapoena a pair of my.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

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