Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Leaves, sport / Gap galanga

   Leaves, sport / Gap galanga "

Sport disabudereun R, is known to have the old.
In addition to herbs that have a distinctive flavor, sometimes also used as a medicine in rajeun off the manager and rice ..
Is known that rice cikur.kanggo ngabalur tiparieus or tipalitek.
Actual information is very beneficial to the health of sport mainly of leaves na.
These are some of the benefits of sport Leaves:

1.Asup wind / flu / cough to:
Leaf Sport 3 lembar.tinyuh hot water canoe gelas.tos slightly cold, the water in minum.sspoe can be limited to 2 cups.

2.Radang Hull to:
Leaf consumption sport is young, works lalab 5 sapoena.rutin sheet.

3.Nyeri ear / dental pain / sore throat to:
Baheum leaves 2 lembar.seseup water sport point of the tongue / tongue Gigi.sadinteun the pain can be limited to 4 times.
similar to the sore throat.
To the ear, Reus leaves sport a piece that has been washed clean.
Keclakeun water canoe ear drops that hurt 2.

4.Darah High-how:
Godog leaves Cikur 10 sheets
Water 3 gelas.sesakeun two gelas.minum morning and night.

5.Asam Vein how:
Consumption leaves sport in taste by lalab routine every day.

6.Haid not regular / Diarrhea how:
Consumption leaves 5 lembar.rutin sport every day,
To go a week before menstruation.
To Diare.daun sport dilalab 7 sheets.
3x a day can konsumsina.dugi to unhealthy.

7.Diet / Kaseleo to:
Sport + bulbs waterfall half tablespoon of rice, in bebeuk + water half gelas.dikocek continue diminum.sadinteun sakali.kanggo Diet.
Kaseleo.ramuan to stay dibalurkeun earlier.

8.Mata tired to:
Leaves sport dikeeum panas.pas warm water and then leaves the guild ditutupkeun eyes are lelah.cukup 5 minutes each one eye.

9.Anak appetite to:
2 sheets leaf sport wash bersih.terus bebeuk.caina canoe sendokeun + honey.
Minumkeun to children 2 days once rejected Rampus foundry.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

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