Tuesday, October 16, 2018

LEAF GE'LANG / purslane. (Portulacariaoleracea L.)

       LEAF GE'LANG / purslane.
(Portulacariaoleracea L.)


Ge'lang leaves or purslane seem apparent haseum.sering work pecel..hirupna ditaneuh that baseuh..dikebon.buruan.galeungan sawah.hirupna moving leaves and small kandel.batangna slightly red to purple unguan.osok used to feed jangkrik.domba .kelenci.
ge'lang tree was to be an herbal remedy that many mangpaatna.diantawisna;

1.ngaluruhkeun urine.kencing so lancar./diare or dysentery ereun./ hemorrhoids damang..carana:
Boiled sacukupna.asal ngagolak.minum 2x sapoena.

2.usus dead .. how:
Leaves taste dibebeuk honey + sugar + 3x bereum.diperes.minum sapoena.

3.kaputihan and menstruation does not pass to the wife
Sami boiled sacukupna.minum 2x sadinteun na.

4.kencing blood regularly drink godogan ieu.insya God unhealthy.

5.darah tinggi.jeung hepatitis / liver / disease koneng.sami regular drinking was godogan.

6.penumbuh rambut.daun na dibebeuk .He .caina dioleskeun the head.

7.seeur drink godogan was ditambih madu.bisa so tenang.relaksasi.kumargi circulatory lancar..kukituna who have heart disease sae.konsumsi leaves dilalab..atawa drink and godogan.

8.radang stomach / gastric ulcers.
Leaves and about 20 grams of water to drink kira.dibebeuk.diperes 3x sapoe.uyahan little.

9.paru sehat..jang lungs of smokers.
Dilalab or in godog leaves and rely batangna.sacukupna 2 drinks.

Hopefully useful ..

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