Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tempuyung / Tampuyung " sonchus arvensis L

   "Tempuyung / Tampuyung" Sonchus arvensis L.


Trees or leaves tempuyung (sunda.Galibug.Rayana.jonghe or clay)
I have long believed to be the landong herbs are beneficial pisan.asal tiatur proportions na.
In addition to the easy life in many dipilarina.biasana tembok.susukan side. or field that reinforcements and rather wet.
Hopefully beneficial ..

1.panyakit Bisul.Wasir / ambeien.luka kabeleum.carana:
Direndos up to 5 sheets of soft mah.beres directly ditaplokeun canoe nyeri.insya God unhealthy.

2.darah tinggi.infeksi urinary / Urinal how:
Wash the leaves and clean the patio lalab 5 pieces 2x sadinten.raos to lalab.atanapi boiled two glasses a day once a glass of water.
Only have decreased blood pressure tinggina.atanapi have stopped smoothly papangna consumption leaves this.

3.kencing stone / rock ginjal.Asam urat.radang payudara.carana:
Boiled leaves 10 tampuyung water glass in two gelas.tinggal drink 2 x eun drink sadinteun na.

4.obat obesity / overweight.
Boiled the same day .Drinking above 2 x glass .godogan tampuyung ieu..3 minggon.insya God seen the results.

5.tetes ear that katorekan.carana:
Godogan diteteskeun water above the ear 2 x 2 drops ..

6.bareuh / bruising kateungeul to:
Leaves tampuyung dibebeuk until lembut.balurkeun canoe swelling ..

That the leaves are beneficial. disabudereun home each sewangan.mugia be beneficial

Yra amen amen.
Rahayu.rahayu was also great will.
Cag.bule whites.

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