Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Teki grassCyperus Rothundus.

       "Teki grass" Cyperus Rothundus. #

Assalamuallaikum.Sampurasun ..

Hopefully mangpaat.ngeunaan grass puzzle was his own enemy patani.dimana where so.
Dikebon.dina galengan.diburuan imah.disisi way. uses or benefits of grass roots or stem this puzzle to many herbal landong pisan.diantawisna.

1.kencing batu..carana;
10 grams approximately satangkup ramoDigodog drink a glass of water a day na.batu kidney can go out and urine.

2.susah CHAPTER ..sami boiled ..

3.siklus period not lancar..sami digodog.minum
A glass a day.

4.pembekuan blood very quickly especially if luka..carana;
Baheum or chewable 2 umbina.cuci the bersih.tos soft balurkeun who wound.

5.eksim dry / wet Asmoro air..balurkeun nyerina canoe.

6.kaputihan..digodog wore cecebok.atanapi can be consumed all the grass .. 4 cloves

7.murangkalih fever panas..kompres by Braco puzzle ieu.tiasa and leaves jukutna..kumbah Battle of the net ..

8.ngahilangkeun kokoloteun or spots hitam.tilas KB.carana;
Teku washing the bersih.trus bebeuk soft add a little water in use masker..wengi..insya God mencrang again ..

Hopefully you mangpaat.Hatur

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