Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"FRUIT / MANGO LEAF" (no sweet fruity leaves / cengkir / what else / pieces of gedong)

(Not the leaves of fragrant sweet / opened / CAROLYN again / fruit building)

Assalamuallaikum .Sampurasun.

Strange fruit tree is not difficult, many people disabudereun sadaya.salian fruit are beneficial to kasehatan.daun na ge could be drug herbal.diantawisna.

1.jang diabetess / manis.hypertensi urine / blood tinggi.carana;
Leaves slightly older washing the clean straight cut potong.tinyuh na glass of water ngagolak.dipeutingkeun.isuk morning drink.
Can lower the levels of glucose / blood sugar.

2.batu ginjal./ batu.carana urine;
Effluent 10 leaves of young boiled water sacukupna.minum glass a day and.

Leaves fruit + nut shoots batu..di bebeuk .peureut give salt sakedik.langsung tokcer..langkung better than guava negotiations.

4.luka fuel.
Add the dry leaves bubukeun oil kalapa.haneutkeun.oleskeun who wound bakar.insya God no foundation.

5.masker kecantikan./ relaksasi.carana;
Young leaves or shoots and dikereutan demos in gacel almost withered. Continue po'e .Toss garing.tinyuh such enteh..caina minum.gegedohna balurkeun to advance to the kinclong.kanggo mask ..

6.asma / bronchitis.carana;
Godog 5 leaves fruit slightly kolot.cai sacukupna.minum glass add madu.sadinten 2x ..

Hopefully the benefits.

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