Tuesday, October 16, 2018

MARKISA leaves / passiflora edulils

   "Leaves Passion / Passiflora edulils"

Passion tree pretty much disabudereun urang.utamina always planted in front of the house.
Plant ngarambat.buahna usual drinks are always made fresh taste.
Besides fruit drinks are beneficial to the young .Daun very useful for the treatment of Herbs.
Kujalaran leaves the digodog.dibebeuk to balur.sareng consumed directly as lalab.atanapi in PINYUH leaves soon langsung.mung again had the passion leaves or ngora./ also bud.
Some of the triple good just by Blandongan Leaves Passion:

1.Darah High / Circulatory how smoothly:
Godog leaves Marquise 7 sheets until the remaining 3 cups water sagelas.minum weungi weungi.

2.Anti Cancer / Anti Oxidant / Aging to:
Regular consumption of 3 leaves of passion ngora.saban day as lalab.
PINYUH or in hot water canoe gelas.tiis drink a glass of water a day.

3.Asma to:
Godog 5 leaves of passion that ngora.caina until the remaining 2 cups sagelas.minum herb was two days once.

4.Insomnia / insomnia how:
Consumption shoots passion sacukupna.sapertos lalab.

5.Mencret / Dysentery how:
4 leaves of passion in the young bebeuk little salt +. + Water pressed quarter gelas.saring.minum caina.sapoe are not limited to 3x.

6.Monopause / actions will Haid to:
She always nyaleuri awak.uring uringan.konsumsi routine godogan leaves Passion 4 sheets of water 3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum every day.

7.Pencernaan how smoothly:
Because the leaves contain fiber that passion to tinggi.sae pencernaan.rutin ngalalab bud.

8.Imunitas body good / reduced body pain / tooth pain / pain in the waist to:
Drinking Godogan leaves Marquise 3 sheets 2 water gelas.sesakeun half gelas.minum two days once for immunity to tubuh.mun nyeri.minum every poe.dugi unhealthy nyerina.

9.Mata good / Anti-inflammatory to:
Vit C and Vit A.sareng high content Markisa.konsumsi leaf bud by ditinyuh hot water in gelas.tiis diminum.sapoe glass.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Avocado leaves / Persea americana miller

   "Leaves Avocado / Persea americana miller"

Hello ... Hello w.w

Avocado trees are God willing we will all barireuk again.
The fruit is also beneficial pisan.kitu seeds alpuketna some time ago beneficial ever posted by Myself.
Myself now going maparkeun uses or benefits to arrive Avocado leaves Herbal Medicine.
Nanapon Avocado leaves that can be used obat.nyaeta leaves the color bright clean green leaves parents warnana.sareng na.
By way in bebeuk to keep drugs out of or in dibalurkeun godog drinking water na.atanapi dibaheum diseseup water.
These are some that can triple in Blandongan by leaves Avocado:

Kidney 1.Batu to:
Avocado leaves are dark green 5 sheets of boiled water 3 gelas.sesakeun glass drink 1/2 cup 2x sapoena.

2.Nyeri waist to:
Godog 3 leaves are dark green water sa gelas.sesakeun half .Drinking 1/2 cup sapoena.

3.Diabetes / High Blood to:
Godog 5 leaves are dark green water two gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum malam.rutin until blood pressure and glucose levels normal.

4.Sariawan to:
Baheum avocado leaves 2 pucuk.seseup water ..Insya He ran well.

5.Kulit Bright Clean / swelling swelling are to:
Bebeuk leaves ngora.balurkeun canoe skin problems 15 menit.bilas.sadinten once.

Hair 6.Penghitam to:
Bebeuk green leaf old 5 lembar.balurkeun canoe Rambut.20 minutes rinse can continue keramas.saminggu 2x

7.Syaraf Kajepit to:
Godog 3 leaves Avocado moderate kolotna.ku 2 gelas.sesakeun water glass.
Drink regularly every day.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

KAMANDILAN / ground mustard

   "KAMANDILAN / ground mustard"
Nasturtium Montananum wall.

Assalamuallaikum Excuse me.

Hi history tree Kamandilan many disabudereun sawah.kebon.buruan.
Through tree seems like only a small sosin.
In addition to feeling dilalab.kamandilan this Herbal medicine can be exotic.
Such that Blandongan.

1.TBC./ sputum / sore throat does;
Tree kamandilan 5 siki.cuci bersih.godog water gelas.tinggal 5 3 3 gelas..minum glass sapoena..insya God unhealthy.

2.campak / .How smallpox;
Bebeuk leaves and continue to strain ditambih madu.minum 2 tablespoons sapoena.
To coast into the wound cacar.sesa leaves dibebeuk balurkeun canoe injuries.

3.rematik.encok.radang akut.carana joints;
Lalab consumption for everyday.
Godogan sauna drink 3 cups a day.

4.Hepatitis / lever..carana;
Godogan drink leaves and roots of a large group of kamandilan + + sugar Oval sacukupna..minum two glasses sapoena

5.Maag Flu and drink the same water and godogan.

6.dipacok oray.kalajengking .titinggi.engang.
Bebeuk leaves or destroyed kunyah.tos popokeun canoe sereud or injuries.

7.Luka getihan.tinggal dibalur by bebeukan leaves ieu.langsung actions.

8.peluruh kencing.carana;
godogan and drink three glasses sapoena.
Hopefully the benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.pun also rahayu.rahayu great will.
Cag.bule whites.

Efficacy of BODAS / gallium sativun L

  "Efficacy of garlic / gallium sativun L"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Garlic Allah has dikarenal by us all.
In addition to the principal ingredients janteun herbs.
already famous Garlic can also to herbal remedies.
Short stories are some of the benefits Garlic is going dipeudar:

1.Kanker / cholesterol / triglycerides to:
Can directly lalab two cloves a day.
Or work in the spice sayur.diiris rather large. routine.

2.Diabetes / Hypertension / Detox toxic chemical drugs to the former:
Garlic Hsiung in parud. + Young potatoes cut in a quarter of an parud water glass.
Drinking day sakali.dugi down the gula.ereun drink.

3.Anemia / Rhematik / Digestive how smoothly:
Three cloves garlic 2 cups godog.caina
Sagelas.minum until the remaining day and a glass.

4.Asma / bronchitis how:
Consumption of garlic a day Hsiung bodas.dilalab.

5.Stamina / Healthy Pregnancy to:
Two days once the consumption of garlic Hsiung.

6.Syaraf healthy / Impontensia to:
Godog garlic 3 siung.caina 3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum day glass.

7.Lever / aging to:
Regular consumption of vegetables every day that an onion out in white.

8.Sinusitis / Polyps how:
Blend garlic Hsiung + water pressed sakedik.peres..caina teteskeun to each hole hidung.satetes lubang.seseup by hidung.sapoe two kali.pagi and night.

9.Selulit / warts / Panu how:
Garlic in blender.balurkeun canoe selulit.jeung kutil.panu..insya God unhealthy.
Cellulite is flat.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

POTATO # solanum tuberosum

   "Potatoes # Solanum tuberosum"

Hello w.w ..Sampurasun

The name Hui Potato God willing we will all barireuk deui.didaerah R Potato regular disayur or made of a variety of snack food until Kiripik potatoes.
Seem typical, tastes and nyehatkeun.
Minerals and other such VitaminD, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus,
Zinc, vitamin B6, Karbo hydrate.
very good to the health of us all.
These are some of the triple can Blandongan by Hui Potatoes:

1.Diabetes to:
Consumption boil potatoes sadidinten to replace Rice.
Because the potato content Karbo hydrate and low, benteun carbo hydrates and rice tinggi.kukituna potatoes are good to have triple Diabetes.
Carbo hydrate less good to have a high sugar content.

2.Kanker Prostate / Tumor how:
Vitamin B6 is found in potatoes, not to prevent tumors and prostate cancer.
Consumption 2 seed potatoes boil sapoena.

Kidney 3.Batu to:
2 seed potatoes washed by brushing.
godog water 6 gelas.sesakeun 2 cups.
Godogan water consumption of potatoes was sapoena 2 gelas..kentangna can also be poured.

4.Kolesterol / High Blood to:
A raw potato is sedeung ageungna + garlic cloves diparud sa + water pressed gelas.hijikeun.diperes quarter.
Drinking water runs down the days sakali.3 psnyawatna.ereunan consumption of herbal.

5.Jantung to:
Potassium and Magnesium high, good for the circulation of the heart of God darah.Insya safe.
Consumption 3 seeds boil potatoes each day.

6.Regenerasi new cells to:
Sadidinteun potato vegetable consumption.

7.Bisul / Acne / puffy eyes how:
Sliced ​​potatoes ipis.tempelkeun canoe bisul.salian cold, not to ngasakeun benyeur ulcers.
Acne how to paste the same.
Ge points to the same paste canoe swollen.

8.Tulang / Frame body healthy way:
Mineral Kalsium.Besi.Seng.Fosfor very good to flesh child or elder.
Consumption boil potatoes sapoena a pair of my.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Leaves, sport / Gap galanga

   Leaves, sport / Gap galanga "

Sport disabudereun R, is known to have the old.
In addition to herbs that have a distinctive flavor, sometimes also used as a medicine in rajeun off the manager and rice ..
Is known that rice cikur.kanggo ngabalur tiparieus or tipalitek.
Actual information is very beneficial to the health of sport mainly of leaves na.
These are some of the benefits of sport Leaves:

1.Asup wind / flu / cough to:
Leaf Sport 3 lembar.tinyuh hot water canoe gelas.tos slightly cold, the water in minum.sspoe can be limited to 2 cups.

2.Radang Hull to:
Leaf consumption sport is young, works lalab 5 sapoena.rutin sheet.

3.Nyeri ear / dental pain / sore throat to:
Baheum leaves 2 lembar.seseup water sport point of the tongue / tongue Gigi.sadinteun the pain can be limited to 4 times.
similar to the sore throat.
To the ear, Reus leaves sport a piece that has been washed clean.
Keclakeun water canoe ear drops that hurt 2.

4.Darah High-how:
Godog leaves Cikur 10 sheets
Water 3 gelas.sesakeun two gelas.minum morning and night.

5.Asam Vein how:
Consumption leaves sport in taste by lalab routine every day.

6.Haid not regular / Diarrhea how:
Consumption leaves 5 lembar.rutin sport every day,
To go a week before menstruation.
To Diare.daun sport dilalab 7 sheets.
3x a day can konsumsina.dugi to unhealthy.

7.Diet / Kaseleo to:
Sport + bulbs waterfall half tablespoon of rice, in bebeuk + water half gelas.dikocek continue diminum.sadinteun sakali.kanggo Diet.
Kaseleo.ramuan to stay dibalurkeun earlier.

8.Mata tired to:
Leaves sport dikeeum panas.pas warm water and then leaves the guild ditutupkeun eyes are lelah.cukup 5 minutes each one eye.

9.Anak appetite to:
2 sheets leaf sport wash bersih.terus bebeuk.caina canoe sendokeun + honey.
Minumkeun to children 2 days once rejected Rampus foundry.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Leaves and Fruit Union / T antidema

  "The leaves and fruit of the Union / T antidema"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

And fruit trees have started Huni rare Sunda region.
My preferences I have a trunk.
Metamorphic Children now are not many trees to BBC Huni.
Huni fruit taste Sour nyegeurkeun.rada kesed..biasana be bebeuk salad.
Huni fruit contains vitamins A, B1, C, B2, E.zat besi.Fosfor, Potassium, Fiber high.
many very beneficial to health.
In addition to his regular consumption, leaves young tree shoots Huni can dilalab directly.
How to serve Huni fruit and leaves for medicinal herbs can be in the godog.diblender, in lalab.atawa fruit consumed directly.
Some of which can be triple Blandongan by fruit and leaves Huni:

1.Anemia to:
Godog of habitable satangkupan ramo.caina 3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum night can + honey.

2.Kolesterol / Digestive how smoothly:
PINYUH water panas.buah habitation or leaves the 3 lembar.kanu gelas.tutup gelasna.atos cold drinking water. regular consumption.

3.Jantung to:
Bebeuk fruit and seeds habitable sacukupna.tinyuh canoe cup of boiling water.
Drink a glass a day.

4.Darah dirty / Acne / wound / ulcer to:
Consumption shoots Huni.di lalab.rutin.
To remedy luar.bebeuk leaves na.balurkeun the pain.

5.Kanker Kolon.Usus to:
Regular consumption of fruit juice or leaves Huni habitation.

6.Mata healthy / cough medicine to:
Godogan consumption Leaves / Fruit Huni sacukupna.dua once a day and a half cups.
To Cough can ditambih Honey.

7.panyakit dirty / Syphilis how:
Leaves and fruit Huni bebeuk + salt
+ Little water consumption continues saring.caina 2 times sapoena.
hopefully Uses

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Efficacy of JATI Leaf / tectona grandis

"Efficacy of leaf / Tectona grandis"

Hello Hello w.w ../

Teak tree is relatively rare trees in the city rather not.
most always pursued a hijieun or side garden city.
Sa'ī identity including very expensive, metamorphic need letter from the village going to cut and sold ge.
In addition to a strong and durable teak sa'ī beautiful, sleek to have janteun household.
I was going to dengeut Guar efficacy leaves Jati Herbal medicine titinggal ancestor people from the past.
Leaf salami was only used to wrap or food coloring.
These are some drugs that can triple the efficacy Teak Leaves:

1.Asma to:
Godog piece of teak leaves are medium parents.
3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum water once a day.

2.Sembelit to:
PINYUH water boiling hot piece of leaf true gelas.tutup.rada cold. drinking.
Teak leaves contain high fiber, drink a glass of water and godogan two days once good for digestion.

3.Jarawat / Dermatitis / burns to:
Teak leaves two sheets bebeuk until soft. + A little salt.
Balurkeun who can nyeri.sapoe 2 times.

4.Susah Diabetes / Jeungjeuriheun to:
Godog piece of teak leaves 3 gelas.asal boiling water off the stove.
Drink a day can be limited to 2 cups.

5.Cacingan to:
Leaf teak bebeuk + water two tablespoons of cooked, then strained + madu.minum I sasendok two days once the child.
Three times the consumption of herbal was pretty.

6.Anti cancer / anti-oxidants to:
Godog piece of teak leaves, two glasses of water, until the remaining glass.
Godogan was drinking once in three days.
Cancer is a disease far.

Hair 7.Kabotakan to:
Leaf piece bebeuk + teak seeds 3 seeds bebeuk + oil keleutik Join continue.
Balurkeun canoe scalp.
antep menit.terus karamas.dua 20 days once.

8.Anti Mushroom / food coloring to:
Ancestor's past to kasawah / kakebon.
always wrap Lead / Rice by leaf.
In addition to the fragrance can also janteun durable Curtis Rice na.
not haseum.kulantaran leaf can inhibit fungal and bacterial life.
Chop the eggs are brown skin with a mixture of teak leaves, shells and onion bereum guava leaves.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites. 

SALAM leaves / syzygium polyartu

   "Leaf / Syzygium polyartus"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Leaf salami was one of the main herbs.
In addition to the typical Romana, leaves almost all dishes that use ingredients PD bay.
Leaves actually very good to landong Herbal, original works according to taste aturan.kanggo Herbs that can be used to leaf is still fresh.
These are some of the triple can be overcome by godogan leaves:

1.Diabetes to:
Godog leaves 5 sheets of water 2 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum the night.

2.kolesterol / Triglycerides how:
Godog leaves a fresh 7 lembar.cai na 3 gelas.sesakeun two gelas.konsumsi tomorrow and the day I wengi.lima.

3.Jantung to:
Three fresh bay leaves PINYUH canoe glasses of water a day ngagolak.tos tiis.diminum glass.

4.Migrain / Vertigo headache to:
Drink a glass of sapoena tinyuhan bay, canoe glass sheet 4.

5.Arthitis / Arthritis to:
Godog leaves 5 pieces 2 cups water until the remaining sagelas.minum morning after pouring.

6.Asam veins / Kidney stones do:
Godog leaves 5 grams of water until the remaining 2 cups sagelas.minum night.

7.Kanker to:
Godog leaves 10 lembar.caina 4 until the remaining 2 cups gelas.minum morning and evening.

8.Rambut loss / kotombe / lice to:
Leaves 20 sheets godog by boiling water 2 gayung.asal cukup.anggo karamas.daun na Rames balurkeun canoe skin kepala.antep 10 menit.nembe bilas.saminggu can twice.

9.kulit wrinkle to:
Ten bay leaves godog sagayung.tos boiling water lift.
Open canoe steam heat.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

JAMBE FRUIT / areca catechu

"Guava / areca catechu"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Trees wali fit August 17 barireuk not it? For climbing.
Some time ago I had a post uses Root jambe is that beneficial for landong Herbs.
I post now I am going to Guar, most of Rumo.
To landong Herbal Pimple usually fruit can still be poured directly gumecrot,
Or boiled and skin, after the Rumo is slightly conservative in the eastern two.
Fruit musical work landong Herbs are very good, but the rules must comply teteup / taste.
only have unhealthy in ereunan consumption.
I care for my consumption saminggon once again.
These are some of the benefits of fruit Jambe:

1.Kalenjar spit active / Sprue how:
Baheum and chewable fruit jambe young gumecrot.sapotong.

2.Gusi sareung how strong teeth:
Chew jambe are slightly older in potongan.rutin day after sakali.sakanteunan Mouth Odor ge unhealthy.

3.Anak Worms to:
Godog jambe slightly kolot.belah two heula.caina glass, until the remaining half cup.
Drink two tablespoons of honey a day + na.
3 days is enough to give him.

4.Disentri to:
Sik sik musical parents sapotong.godog water sagelas.asal ngagolak.minum water sagelas.tiasa day until two glasses

5.Mata Rabun / Drug Luka to:
Consumption of fruit Jambe that young gumecrot day hiji.konsumsina two days once.
Soca Inshallah good.
To wound, balurkeun contents jambe that gumecrot nyerina canoe.

6.Stamina Vitality Men, Women to:
Godog jambe are slightly older have split two seeds, 3 cups water until the remaining two runs gelas.minum glass + tablespoon of honey.
Godogan rest day to salanjutna.tos damang.jag jug again, stop the consumption of this herb.

7.Vagina fast to:
Jambe fairly young one, two sides guild glasses and skin, PINYUH by boiling water.
Have warm water to drink a glass a day.
Regular 4 day began drinking.
Kadita 3 days once.

8.Masa delivery / after the fact to:
Godog jambe parents who have split two seeds and shells,
Two water dipper, after ngagolak.komporna off.
water mixture used phones everyday.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

CENGKEH leaves / syzygium aromaticum

   "Clove / Syzygium aromaticum"


Fruit / flower clove one commodity that enters designation spices.
Aroma and nutrition have long used kanggo.parfum, food, drinks, cigarettes, etc.
Besides his many benefits
Clove Leaf, can also be used Herbal medicine, turning in chewing, in bebeuk, brewed as Charmed, and boiled.
These are some of the triple can be overcome by uses of clove.

1.Nyeri teeth to:
Wash leaves 2 cloves, chewed dibaheum.asupkeun canoe teeth that mesh.
2 times a day can be.

2.Batuk / respiratory infections to:
Ten pieces of clove fresh water godog 2 gelas.sesakeun glass.
Drink a glass of morning and shared two nights.

3.Nyeri head to:
Four leaf cloves fresh bebeuk enter the water haneut.minum can sapoena three times.

4.Perut Bloating / irritation of the stomach / nausea to:
Godog 7 clove leaf, 2 cups water, the origin ngagolak.minum morning and evening.

5.Kanker Lung how:
Consumption sapoena 3 cups tinyuhan leaf canoe clubs gelas..daun first drain / day as Charmed.
Clove tea leaves to taste.

6.Diabetes to:
Godogan drink clove fresh 15 lembar.caina three cups until the remaining two cups.
Drink morning and evening.

7.Lever / Heart to:
Biasakeun drinking glass tinyuhan leaf clovers that have dried sugar cubes.

8.Sinusitis / Osteoporosis how:
Drinking tinyuhan leaf clovers that have dried day + glass of lemon sapotong.rutin

9.Jarawat / swelling to impact how:
Clove Leaf bebeuk, balurkeun the pain.
Can some times of the day and.

10.Pewangi shirt to:
Save some leaves of fresh cloves inside the cabinet / lipeutan in clothes, in addition to the fragrance roach and lice infestation kalabur.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.

COLD leaves / ficus benjamina

   "Leaves CARINGIN / ficus benyamina"

Tree sound disabudereun Tatar Sunda very well known.
In addition to the three large leaves and tall and lush gomplok and feelings to be shade when the sun grew hot.
From ancient times the sound of the tree is always a symbol of the trees should be in each square of the district until the city square.
In addition to the field, Great Mosque, and the district office or the municipality, and the sound should be pangbuian.tangkal.
The actual sound of the tree, especially the leaves can be used for medicinal herbs.
Especially for a triple:

1.Murangkalih Seizures / Step to:
Satangkupan finger Caringin leaf color is dark green boiled water in a bucket, from boiling, have used warm water compress, forehead, arms, and subject to the heat.
or can also be mixed with water to ibakna.

2.Bronkhitis to:
Leaf sound taste + a lemon, godog 3 cups water, until the remaining glass.
Taken twice a day and.
half cup each drink na.rutin

3.Disentri to:
Young leaves taste sound boiled water
Two glasses, until the remaining water in less than half a glass, drink half a glass of consumption.
morning, noon, and night.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule bu

MONKEY Guava Leaf / METE Guava / anacardium occidentale

"Cashew leaf / Cashew Nut / Anacardium occidentalle"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Cashews duh..nikmat, very tasty.
Users area tree cashew nuts are usually in front of the house or in the garden.
Sour taste toilet lazy, but the seeds are
Cashews and feelings to very deep.
In addition to fruits and seeds, beans
Young leaves / shoot a lot of cashew nuts is very beneficial.
In addition to works that seem lalab lazy lazy sense, can also be used landong.
These are some of the benefits of Guava Leaf cashews for Health:

1.Stamina / Libido men and women rise to:
Pour routinely shoots cashew nuts sacukupna.sae dilalab.awak to fit healthy Stamina increases.

2.Bronkhitis to:
Godog guava leaves are green cashew old 7 lembar.cai and 3 cups water until the remaining two cups, drink morning and wengi.rutin

3.Nyeri teeth to:
PINYUH leaves cashew nut color green piece, kereutan Battle, guild glasses, PINYUH by boiling water, have slightly cold working age.

4.Bau mouth / cough / Sprue how:
Two pieces of leaf cashew nuts, chewing while diseseupan water.
That day can be limited to 3 times.

5.Darah High-how:
Godog leaves are dark green 5 lembar.caina 4 cups until the remaining 3 gelas.minum morning, noon and night.

6.Rematik / Arthritis to:
Four leaf cashew nut + sport belt finger thumb, godog, 2 cups water until the remaining glass, drink every day until you do.

7.Sembelit to:
Consumption of cashew nut leaf 3 pieces. chewable, teleun,
Keep drinking water is slightly warm light.

8.Disentri to:
Godog 5 cashew nut leaves the color green, 2 cups water, until the remaining half gelas.terus minum.sapoe can be limited to 2 times.

9.Asam Vein how:
Cashew nut leaf bud 3 sheets PINYUH hot water canoe glass.
Have a glass of cold water a day.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Agreed, Pun Pun Rahayu Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites. 

SARIKAYA leaves / NONA / annona squamosa fruit l

   "Leaves Sarikaya / NONA fruit / Annona squamosa l"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Sarikaya tree sometimes called tree Nona usually live in areas that CuacaNā slightly hot.
Rare tree Sarikaya in favor dayakeun, usually so long and always growing trees so that's it.
dipipireun house or in the yard.
In addition to the fruit is sweet and fragrant as manalika, Sarikaya leaves can be used for medicinal herbs.
by leaves and boiled or in PINYUH leaves fresh hot water.
Sarikaya leaves can Blandongan to triple.
to include triple:

1.Demam / Anti Inflammation / mild cough to:
Godog leaves are still fresh Sarikaya 7 sheets of water and 3 cups until the remaining two cups drink morning and evening.

2.Rhematik to:
Drink a glass of regular day tinyuhan leaves Sarikaya 2 lembar.tinyuh hot water canoe glass.

3.Asam Vein how:
Godog leaves Sarikaya 10 sheets of fresh water 4 cups, drinking cups until the remaining three in the morning, afternoon and wengi.dua days once.

4.Mencret / Dysentery / current digester to:
Godog leaves Sarikaya + 7 sheets regularly grass Puzzle 5 siki..caina 3 cups until the remaining two gelas.minum morning and night.

5.Haid pain to:
PINYUH 3 leaves Sarikaya hot water canoe gelas.minum day 2 cups.
Beres menstruation stop drinking.
hopefully Uses

Amin Myra.
Puk Pun Pun Rahayu Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites

Sadagori / Sidagori .. Seida Rihombifolia

   "SADAGORI / SIDAGORI..sida rhombifolia L.

Assalamuallaikum .Sampurasun ..

Hopefully mangpaat.tangkal bush was named to sadagori in Sunda.hirupna dilapangan.liar.
Yellow leaves and ngagarigi.kembangna leutik.akar and shaft are made of clay pisan.sok tali.buah and always made bullets bebedilan bamboo by children. past.
Herbal useful tree was much pisan.diantawisna ..

1.ngaredakeun nyeri.cacingan.batuk.carana;
leaves and boiled sara'u mah.disaring.diminum glass of my day na.

2.nenangkeun syaraf.jang The contracting stroke..pikun.pohoan ..carana;
Sauna sara'u boiled roots .And two batang..caina tiriskeun.haneut warm drink two glasses a day ..

3.obat aprodisiak / erectile dysfunction / impotence how; ,
Akarna 3 seed leaves some scoop / or kiurat satangkal.godog drink two glasses sapoena ..tokcer..greung ..

4.obat ateul.gigitan serangga.jarawat.carana;
Bebeuk leaves the taste .balurkeun.

5.asam urat.carana;
sadagori boiled leaves and leaf seseureuhan satangkal.minum glass sapoena ..

6.osteoporosis / tulang.carana fragile;
Godog satangkupan leaves sadagori young.
Drink a glass of sapoen. expanded honey.

7.diare .How;
Dilalab taste bud ..

Amin yra.
Sapuk.pun also rahayu.rahayu Supreme occur.

Cag.bule whites.

Tempuyung / Tampuyung " sonchus arvensis L

   "Tempuyung / Tampuyung" Sonchus arvensis L.


Trees or leaves tempuyung (sunda.Galibug.Rayana.jonghe or clay)
I have long believed to be the landong herbs are beneficial pisan.asal tiatur proportions na.
In addition to the easy life in many dipilarina.biasana tembok.susukan side. or field that reinforcements and rather wet.
Hopefully beneficial ..

1.panyakit Bisul.Wasir / ambeien.luka kabeleum.carana:
Direndos up to 5 sheets of soft mah.beres directly ditaplokeun canoe nyeri.insya God unhealthy.

2.darah tinggi.infeksi urinary / Urinal how:
Wash the leaves and clean the patio lalab 5 pieces 2x sadinten.raos to lalab.atanapi boiled two glasses a day once a glass of water.
Only have decreased blood pressure tinggina.atanapi have stopped smoothly papangna consumption leaves this.

3.kencing stone / rock ginjal.Asam urat.radang payudara.carana:
Boiled leaves 10 tampuyung water glass in two gelas.tinggal drink 2 x eun drink sadinteun na.

4.obat obesity / overweight.
Boiled the same day .Drinking above 2 x glass .godogan tampuyung ieu..3 minggon.insya God seen the results.

5.tetes ear that katorekan.carana:
Godogan diteteskeun water above the ear 2 x 2 drops ..

6.bareuh / bruising kateungeul to:
Leaves tampuyung dibebeuk until lembut.balurkeun canoe swelling ..

That the leaves are beneficial. disabudereun home each sewangan.mugia be beneficial

Yra amen amen.
Rahayu.rahayu was also great will.
Cag.bule whites.

AWESOME BAU medicine

"Medicinal smell you"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Smell the body / bodies can be trivial or problems gede.anu activities interfere with our lives we are now.
By the modern era kiwari.masalah was overcome by the fragrance brands such kimia.rupa Deodorant Soap and very easy Speser.
Only it, only the smell of drugs / exterior just the drug is a chemical.
not until Curtis nucleus it is inside the body and each sewangan.beda Herbal drugs that can directly cause subsequent substance.
Each person according to Scientific research has approximately 4 million sweat glands.
that divided each person a different scent body each other.
Each person can smell the sweat of the food or merchandise of the descendants.
so typical of body odor in each.
Scientific research in the glands of the body there are two different, it is.

A.Kelenjar screen that smell out of the typical food that dituang.contona pour onion.
Pour pour kanikir katuk.

B.Kelenjar apocrine are influenced by hormones, pheromones / are active hormone na.mun person has puberty or adolescent spirit baliq.biasana area are manned urang.contona hairy armpits and palangkakan.

These are some herbs that can Leaves Blandongan this problem.
I do dibalurkeun.dianggo ibak.dianggo cebok.diminum.sareng dilalab.
To overcome beneficial awak.bau kelek.sareng smell sweat odor in the reproduction we each other.
Inshallah Herbal medicine only routine in anggena.
Besides the smell is not pleasant leungit.khasiat canoe organs na ge nyehatkeun.
This leaves some herbs that are relevant.

1.Daun Sereuh / Sirih how:
Sereuh leaf piece in PINYUH canoe cup of cold water to drink ngagolak.tos two days once sagelas.rutin.dikonsumsi night.
Can also be used cebok.mung 3 betel leaves ditinyuh canoe bailer.

2.Daun Baluntas to:
Can shoot in lalab Baluntas.rutin every day.

3.Kembang Honje to:
Honje three flower seeds digodog.ku water 4 gelas.Sesakeun two gelas.minum day two gelas.awak healthy stomach healthy body smells fragrant.

4.Daun Surawung / basil how:
Can dilalab routine sacukupna.saban day.
Nyehatkeun canoe area reproduction wife and pamegeut well.

5.Daun Lewis to:
Four pieces sembung godog water boiling panci.asal half. can be taken sagelas.sesana used to mix water and wipe Bak.

6.Daun crassocephalum crepidioides to:
Regular consumption of leaf crassocephalum crepidioides dilalab 5 pieces.
Body odor through.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin yra.
Sapuk.Pun Sapuk Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Fruit, Leaves KUPA / syzygium polycephalum

    "Fruit, leaves UPA / Syzygium polycephalum"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Tree fungus has begun rare Sunda region.
Kupa tall trees usually large, high and can be limited to 25 M.
Kupa taste sour fruit, fresh, young hejo.mun color to the color of ripe black fruit with purple colored.
Fruit and leaves Kupa disabudereun users from the past have always used herbal medicine.
These are some of the triple that could be addressed by the beneficial Leaves and Fruit Kupa:

1.Diare to:
3 leaves the Kupa slightly older washing the net, bebeuk, + 5 tablespoons of water, squeeze it.
Drink twice.

2.Diabetes to:
Godog leaves 5 Kupa Kupa sheets or pieces of glass 5 siki.caina 3, until the remaining two cups.
Drink morning and evening.

3.Obat drunk, Nausea, Vomiting how:
Consumption of fruit is ripe kupa 5 seed is.
Alcoholism cure.

4.Maag / Digestive how smoothly:
Fruit / Leaf Kupa 7 pieces boiled in 3 cups of water, until the remaining 2 cups, drinking in the morning and I malam.usus healthy.

5.Ateul / Ringworm / Borok how:
Bebeuk leaves Kupa 2 pieces. + A little salt, balurkeun the pain.

6.Kulit clean / Acne unhealthy to:
Kupa ripe fruit is blended with seeds,
Lulur.saminggu can use to 3x.

7.Detoxsifikasi / anti-oxidants to:
Konsumdi fruit Kupa rutin.tiasa remove toxins from the body of the former Chemical, and the skin clean.
aging can be prevented.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Agreed, Pun Pun Rahayu Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.


"ALOE VERA / aloevera"

Aloe tree is usually planted in the garden or Warden presence of earth or in pots.
Payunen for decoration in the form of a trunk sae.kumargi funny.
Actual tree aloe by now have dibudidayakeun to drinks industry / Sirop.oge for Cosmetic Industry.
Especially in areas of Kalimantan.
Aloe Vera is usually consumed by the consumption of meat juice.di it raw.
Or in bebeuk to drugs outside.
Aloe Vera is known to us disabudereun Rambut.padahal out very efficacy
Aloe vera addition to hair.
Such landong to:

1.Jantung to:
Consumption of meat tongue buaya.sadinten sabatang plant.
Remove skin luarna.candak it hungkul.cuci bersih.iris two centian + honey. Direct consumption.

2.Luka burn / wound out how:
Take meat oleskeun who wound.

3.Eksim / Ringworm / Ringworm how:
Take aloe bebeuk and skin. + Salt + a little whiting sakedik.hijikeun.balurkeun who wound.

4.Asam body normal.carana:
The body of the person to be summoned at least +8.
So healthy and cancer can not be tumbuh.konsumsi meat juice Aloe sabatang.dua days once I.

5.Flak missing teeth / clean way:
Oleskeun beef tongue buaya.balurkeun rub rub the teeth are dirty.

6.Rambut kuat.kotombe lost to:
Aloe vera balurkeun canoe hair.
Wrap the Anduk 20 menit.terus bilas.saminggu 3 x.

7.Detoxifikasi / remove toxic chemicals in the body to:
Consumption of meat juice Aloe Vera + honey sagelas.dua day sakali.mung be needed every day.
For example we have a regular intake of chemical drugs.
This one way detoxifikasina.

8.Kekebalan body against the disease to:
Godog meat aloe vera taste. + Sugar Oval sakedik.minum glass sapoena

9.Kulit refined / Acne / Blackheads how:
Oleskeun meat Aloe kabagean that dipikahoyong.mulus bersih.rutin.

10.Diet / body deals to:
Consumption of meat per day of aloe two rods mah.tiasa in juice or in disirop without sugar.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

KANGKUNG / ipomoea aquatica forsk

"KANGKUNG / Ipomoea Aquatica Forsk"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Tree kale ditatar users very popular.
Life in the mud of the paddy juicy, dikebon and in wet soil.
There are two types of trees and water kangkung.nyaeta Watercress Watercress Army.
Taste and not much different from the same properties.
Spinach tastes very rasana.tiasa in vegetables, PD, Cimariuk janteun lalab.
Spinach contains iron is high, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, C, A,
With high fiber.
Leafy trees were very beneficial for health.
These are some of the benefits we bring Watercress consumption:

1.Insomnia / Insomnia how:
Consumption of vegetable kale taste each wengi.samemeh sleep.

2.Anemia to:
Lalab consumption of watercress have diseupan.rutin.zat iron can to supplement natural blood.

3.Nyeri Haid to:
Bebeuk fresh spinach leaves 7 sheets, pressed + warm water + honey sasendok.konsumsi week before and after menstruation.

4.Anti septic natural / Mouth Odor how:
Substances in spinach can kill the bacteria's Alami.konsumsi vegetable kale every morning.

5.Metabolisme Current / Sprue how:
Spinach fiber silly to the difficult chapter.
And can Blandongan triple swollen gums, canker sores.
Daily consumption of vegetable kale.

6.Osteoporosis / Bone Health to:
Calcium and not to form bones, teeth, very good.
Regular consumption.

7.Kasehatan Brain / Aging to:
Konsunsi water godogan leaf kale glass, two days sakali.tanpa seasoning.

8.Rambut Fertile black and how:
Kale and bonded roots and wash.
Keeum walk in the bucket of water 2
Tomorrow morning the water is slightly black, using kuramas.15 minutes was rinsed

Many 9.Air SII / Current to:
Mother nyusuan the consumption watercress disayur bening.kuah vegetables also taken.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

KADONGDONG Leaf Fruit / spandias dulcis

   "Leaves Fruit kadongdong / spandias dulcis"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Kadongdong fruit salad or usually in the candy / pickles.
The fruit is rarely amis.Haseum.
His skin slick leucir, meat doubt sour, seeds such as tingling.
Kadongdong tree is usually planted dikebon and hunted.
In addition to fruit is often consumed, kadongdong leaves can also be used Herbal medicine.
Landong to include:

1.Jantung to:
Godog leaves kadongdong fresh 7 lembar.caina 2 cups, until the remaining glass.
Consumption of two days once.

2.Pencernaan healthy / Diarrhea / Intestine healthy way:
PINYUH 4 leaves kadongdong canoe glass of hot water, cold pre-consumption 3 x week I.

3.Kolesterol to:
Godog 5 kadongdong leaves 2 cups water, until the remaining glass, drink ruyin every poe.dugi normal cholesterol.

4.Anemia to:
Consumption of juice leaf kadongdong 10 pieces are already in blender.peres caina.minum.

5.Tulang / Teeth Strong to:
Drinking tinyuhan leaves kadongdong 5 sheet glass canoes, water panas.tos cold + tablespoon of honey.
Drink regularly.

6.Kanker / Hemorrhoids how:
Kadongdong leaves blended sheet 7 + little salt. + Cooked half cup water, taken two days once.
Take two tablespoons of the herb is not used diminum.tiasa jerky canoe hemorrhoids.

7.konsumsi routine water godogan leaves kadongdong can automatically janteun supplement for cell regeneration damaged.

8.sababaraha leaves kadongdong work spice fragrance carp lauk.seungit results.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Was also agreed Rahayu Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

ANGSANA / pterocarpus indicus leaves

 "Leaves ANGSANA / pterocarpus indicus"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Angsana trees, the city I rarely know
But along the highway in the city, usually used as a roadside tree.
Leaves and a lush and quickly large trunk, it is one that makes good Angsana trees to shade the road.
In the village Tree Angsana always dikebon.leweung dekeut water and fleeting.
Angsana tree sap color bereum kacoklatan.eta work landong herbs, as well as many leaves Angsana beneficial for landong, such:

1.Batu kidney to:
Godog leaves Angsana young 10 sheets, 3 cups water, until the remaining 2 gelas.minum morning and night.

2.Nyegah appendix to:
Drinking tinyuhan 4 leaves angsana.ku hot water ninyuhna canoe cup, drink this potion two days once.

3.Sariawan sore throat shortness of breath how:
Godog 7 Angsana leaves 2 cups water, until the remaining sagelas.minum day can double.

4.Luka fuel / Dental pain to:
Angsana kapaskeun.weweulkeun sap canoe canoe gear mesh can 3x.ganti day.
To burn dioleskeun.

5.Sembelit / hot Fever to:
Bebeuk Angsana leaves 10 pieces. + A quarter cup of water cooked, pressed + madu.minum can caina.sapoe 2 x.

6.Migraine headache to:
PINYUH 7 hot water leaves the guild Angsana glass + two tablespoons of honey.
Drink 3 cups sapoena.

7.Kanker / Asthma / anti-toxin to:
Godog 10 leaves Angsana 4 cups water until the remaining 2 gelas.Minum routine two glasses of water godogan leaves Angsana.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Agreed. Was also blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Leaves crassocephalum crepidioides / crassocephalum crepidioides

    "Leaves crassocephalum crepidioides / crassocephalum crepidioides"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Crassocephalum crepidioides trees during this simply be a wild tree that can be consumed kumasarakat, the taste of the leaves and fragrant and warm feelings.
Trees usually crassocephalum crepidioides life disabudereun garden and side galeungan field.
Fresh green leaves, white flowers are there any bereum.sami efficacy and taste, there is no difference.
Crassocephalum crepidioides leaves can Dilalab, disayur clear, or PD also tastes.
In addition to the delicious taste, saleresma leaves crassocephalum crepidioides very good to landong Herbs, and safe to eat everyday.
These are some of the benefits leaves crassocephalum crepidioides:

1.Sembelit / Digestion smoothly, to:
Because the leaves are rich in fiber crassocephalum crepidioides, is very good for digestion, regular consumption dilalab.

2.Aliran blood to the heart is a good way:
Leaf consumption crassocephalum crepidioides in lalab or disayur clear, potassium and iron and out.
Inshallah circulation.

3.Maag / Hull to:
Crassocephalum crepidioides consumption leaves 10 pieces are fresh, wholesome saenggalna gastric disease.

4.Nyeri Haid / Emotions stable to:
Usually the wife is menstruating conditions emotion not stabil.daun crassocephalum crepidioides disayur or in lalab, pour routine during menstruation.

5.Bau Agency / Smooth leather / immune from the germ / Wind On how:
Regular consumption of leaf ieu.minimal all 7 pieces.

6.Analgesik / pain Natural medicine to:
Toothache, headache direct consumption tinyuhan leaves + flower crassocephalum crepidioides sacukupna.tinyuh hot water canoe glass.
Drink 2 cups a day.

7.Anti dementia / Alzheimer's how:
Lalab routine leaves crassocephalum crepidioides seger.7 sapoena sheet.

8.Stres / Depression to:
Leaves crassocephalum crepidioides Anti Depressants are anti sedatives, regular consumption of good to the rough over the age of 40 years.

9.Darah High-how:
Godog / lalab leaves crassocephalum crepidioides rutin.tekanan high blood pressure or low blood pressure can stabil.Normal.

10.Anti biotic natural way:
crassocephalum crepidioides leaves can be cut out of the drug and wound dalam.ku way dibebeuk continue dibalurkeun nyeri.atanapi who poured in to cure wounds.

11.Diet to:
Crassocephalum crepidioides consumption leaves are slightly seeur.perut kenyang.lemak body burned by the efficacy crassocephalum crepidioides leaves, good to want tense.

12.Mata healthy way:
Because of its high Vitamin A is good for your health Mata.tiasa in vegetable or used lalab.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Agreed, Pun Pun Rahayu Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule bu

Leaves KUMIS UCING / orthosipon aristatus

      "Leaf / orthosipon aristatus"

Hello w.w ..Sampurasun

Mustache cat tree in the area of ​​language of antiquity have so landong natural herbs are very exotic.
Usually planted to hedge planted in front bumi.atawa dikebon.
Leaves and spiky white reregean.kembangna ngeuplak are hairy like cat whiskers.
Leaf very good to landong.
She boiled the leaves or ditinyuh such Teh.tiasa also collaborated with leaves and other herbs to some of my triple.
This leaves some benefits Mustache Ucing.diantawisna:

1.Nyeri / difficult urination to:
PINYUH taste leaf that has digaringkeun.kanu gelas.banjur water panas.tutup.tos cold drink 2 cups a day.

2.Rematik / rheumatism how:
Leaf satangkupan ramo.godog water 4 gelas.sesakeun 3 cups.
Drinking morning noon evening.

3.Batuk / Wind On how:
PINYUH taste leaf that has dried canoe glass + glass madu.minum day.

4.Asam Vein how:
Leaf Godog taste.
3 gelas.sesakeun two water glasses.
Drink morning and night.

5.Kencing Stone / Stone kidneys to:
Godog leaf satangkupan water 2 cups 4 gelas.sesakeun .Drinking routine morning and night.

6.Batu gall to:
Leaf taste + 2 corn ngora.godog.caina two gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum day glass.

7.Diabetes / Blood / kidney inflammation to:
PINYUH regular leaf that seger.kanu glass of water ngagolak.daun and taste. drink a glass a day.

8.Nyeri waist to:
Sami and 7.

9.Kaputihan to:
Godog leaf to taste the water half the pot.
Drink two glasses of sapoena.sesana used phones.

10.Sipilis to:
Godog leaf taste + 3 pieces of plant roots mah.caina 3 gelas.sesakeun 2 gelas..minum routine.

11.Ateul Allergies to:
Godogan drinking leaf day sagelas.daun the taste of the water 2 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.hampas leaves the guild balurkeun arateul.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Leaf TANGKIL / gnetum gnemon

    Leaves him / Gnetum gnemon "

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Leaves and fruit came very famous area users.
In addition disayur Lodeh, Asem vegetable, fruit is also used Tangkil made chips.
Tangkil trees usually planted in the garden and in the leweung.
In addition to fruit, leaves Tangkil out very beneficial.
Tangkil leaves can also be used landong.
Consumption is recommended to have a taste that is Uric Acid Tangkil because leaves can cause urine to be the originator of uric acid.
These are some of the triple can be overcome by Benefits Leaves Tangkil:

1.Urinoir / Current Diabetes to:
I boiled the leaves came to taste, 3 cups water, until the remaining 2 gelas.konsumsi morning and evening.
Leaves Tangkil they can. Smooth the urine.

2.Nyeri Eye to:
Consumption of water from a leaf that Tangkil ditinyuh canoe glass of water can panas.sapoe glass.
Because Vitamin A and high leaf Tangkil good for the health of eyes.

3.Anemia / Less blood to:
Godog leaves him sacukupna.caina until the remaining 2 cups sagelas.minum routine every day.
I also went to the young leaves stir in / on vegetable.

4. In Gegeul dog to:
After ejection in the hospital, recommended bebeuk leaves him sacukupna.terus popokeun who wound 2 times a day can be.
And drinking water godogan leaves him, the day the glass.

5.Busung Hungry to:
Usually edema attacking people with disabilities Karbo hydrates Vitamin D.
Leaf vegetable consumption Tangkil routine.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Agreed, Pun Pun Rahayu Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Seseureuhan / Susuruhan / Peperomia pellucida.

Seseureuhan / Susuruhan / Peperomia pellucida.

Type tree herbal seseureuhan ieu.hirupna in the wall or cliff river. lembab.mangpaat leaves seseureuhan was very good to the triple ..

1.ngurangan pain from the inflammation whatever ..
To 5 bar digodog.angge drinking water godogan na sa Popo ..

2.diuretik..kanggo the same digodog.saluran kencing.carana difficult urination / urinary be normal.

3.nurunkeun cholesterol also sae..digodog same.

4.asam veins .pegel pains are ..tiasa in lalab
Or boiled ..

5.nyeri menstruation or mens..digodog.

6.nyeri head to: the same boiled ..

Hopefully the benefits.
Amin yra.
Sapuk.pun also rahayu.rahayu Sagung happen ..

Cag.bule whites.

Teki grassCyperus Rothundus.

       "Teki grass" Cyperus Rothundus. #

Assalamuallaikum.Sampurasun ..

Hopefully mangpaat.ngeunaan grass puzzle was his own enemy patani.dimana where so.
Dikebon.dina galengan.diburuan imah.disisi way. uses or benefits of grass roots or stem this puzzle to many herbal landong pisan.diantawisna.

1.kencing batu..carana;
10 grams approximately satangkup ramoDigodog drink a glass of water a day na.batu kidney can go out and urine.

2.susah CHAPTER ..sami boiled ..

3.siklus period not lancar..sami digodog.minum
A glass a day.

4.pembekuan blood very quickly especially if luka..carana;
Baheum or chewable 2 umbina.cuci the bersih.tos soft balurkeun who wound.

5.eksim dry / wet Asmoro air..balurkeun nyerina canoe.

6.kaputihan..digodog wore cecebok.atanapi can be consumed all the grass .. 4 cloves

7.murangkalih fever panas..kompres by Braco puzzle ieu.tiasa and leaves jukutna..kumbah Battle of the net ..

8.ngahilangkeun kokoloteun or spots hitam.tilas KB.carana;
Teku washing the bersih.trus bebeuk soft add a little water in use masker..wengi..insya God mencrang again ..

Hopefully you mangpaat.Hatur

"Babadotan" Agerantum conyzoides

    "Babadotan" Agerantum conyzoides.

Hopefully the benefits.


Tree babadotan life in kebon.buruan.galeungan sawah..ciri typical goat smell badot. and hairy leaves and flowers during the ungu.babadotan was rarely considered medicinal uses na herbal.padahal good pisan.ieu useful leaves and roots babadotan.

1.landong Asthma / chest pain. how:
Sagenggeum leaves in the godog by boiling two cups cai.asal cukup..diminum warm warm sagelas..sadinteun na.

2.murangkalih fever / pain panas.sareng .How;
Bebeuk .balurkeun roots into the body that lead fever.

3.istri're pendarahan.carana;
Godog in two small trees and akarna..diminum 2 cups sadinteun na.

4.patah tulang.carana;
Dibebeuk dipopokeun canoe bone fractures. or tipaliteuk.

5.luka.bisul .eksim ..
Dibalur by bebeukan leaves babadotan.diuyahan sakeudik.

6.tetes mata.tetes ear to;
Wash the leaves babadotan bersih.ditinyuh by the boiling water into the cold can gelas..tutup.tos in teteskeun 2 drops canoe nyeri..sapoe 3 x.

Hopefully useful ..

"JENGKOL" / archidendron pauciflorum.

     "Bigfoot" / archidendron pauciflorum.


Fruit Jengkol ditatar R pisan.salian exotic tastes and .nikmat bau.jenis vegetable ieu.kaseeuran people are not opposed to flaming jengkol.kanggo uses herbal is very good ..
In addition to the fruit rind is thin brown jengkol very many properties ..

1.Anemia / less blood can pour from Blandongan by Grama Grama taste because it contains a high iron jat.

2.anti oksidan..kumargi jengkolatna high acid can prevent kanker.carana;
Epidermis jengkol boiled taste debate boiling drinking a glass of water a day.
Only that have triple the kidney is not recommended ngaleeut water was godogan.

3.jengkol prevent calcification tulang.kumargi high kalsium.cukup taste and poured rice sadidinten.

4.jengkol fiber and high .tuang jengkol can smooth the BAB ..anti constipation.

5.kanggo diabetes / diabetes route drinking water godogan skin jengkol.sadinten sagelas.tiasa lowering glucose / blood sugar ..

6.jantung be healthy by frequent consumption of vegetables Grama Grama sacukupna.kumargi compounds containing potassium are responsible darah.penyempitan smooth the passage of the blood vessels healthy.

7.ibu are pregnant consumption good Grama Grama sacukupna.kumargi contains calcium and high .tiasa to the formation of fetal bones ..

NB; because the aroma bau.sareng acid jengkolatna tinggi.disarankeun cast jengkol sacukupna.bilih jengkoleun.
Who have triple the kidney is recommended not to eat jengkol.

Hopefully the benefits.

"FRUIT / MANGO LEAF" (no sweet fruity leaves / cengkir / what else / pieces of gedong)

(Not the leaves of fragrant sweet / opened / CAROLYN again / fruit building)

Assalamuallaikum .Sampurasun.

Strange fruit tree is not difficult, many people disabudereun sadaya.salian fruit are beneficial to kasehatan.daun na ge could be drug herbal.diantawisna.

1.jang diabetess / manis.hypertensi urine / blood tinggi.carana;
Leaves slightly older washing the clean straight cut potong.tinyuh na glass of water ngagolak.dipeutingkeun.isuk morning drink.
Can lower the levels of glucose / blood sugar.

2.batu ginjal./ batu.carana urine;
Effluent 10 leaves of young boiled water sacukupna.minum glass a day and.

Leaves fruit + nut shoots batu..di bebeuk .peureut give salt sakedik.langsung tokcer..langkung better than guava negotiations.

4.luka fuel.
Add the dry leaves bubukeun oil kalapa.haneutkeun.oleskeun who wound bakar.insya God no foundation.

5.masker kecantikan./ relaksasi.carana;
Young leaves or shoots and dikereutan demos in gacel almost withered. Continue po'e .Toss garing.tinyuh such enteh..caina minum.gegedohna balurkeun to advance to the kinclong.kanggo mask ..

6.asma / bronchitis.carana;
Godog 5 leaves fruit slightly kolot.cai sacukupna.minum glass add madu.sadinten 2x ..

Hopefully the benefits.

LEAF GE'LANG / purslane. (Portulacariaoleracea L.)

       LEAF GE'LANG / purslane.
(Portulacariaoleracea L.)


Ge'lang leaves or purslane seem apparent haseum.sering work pecel..hirupna ditaneuh that baseuh..dikebon.buruan.galeungan sawah.hirupna moving leaves and small kandel.batangna slightly red to purple unguan.osok used to feed jangkrik.domba .kelenci.
ge'lang tree was to be an herbal remedy that many mangpaatna.diantawisna;

1.ngaluruhkeun urine.kencing so lancar./diare or dysentery ereun./ hemorrhoids damang..carana:
Boiled sacukupna.asal ngagolak.minum 2x sapoena.

2.usus dead .. how:
Leaves taste dibebeuk honey + sugar + 3x bereum.diperes.minum sapoena.

3.kaputihan and menstruation does not pass to the wife
Sami boiled sacukupna.minum 2x sadinteun na.

4.kencing blood regularly drink godogan ieu.insya God unhealthy.

5.darah tinggi.jeung hepatitis / liver / disease koneng.sami regular drinking was godogan.

6.penumbuh rambut.daun na dibebeuk .He .caina dioleskeun the head.

7.seeur drink godogan was ditambih madu.bisa so tenang.relaksasi.kumargi circulatory lancar..kukituna who have heart disease sae.konsumsi leaves dilalab..atawa drink and godogan.

8.radang stomach / gastric ulcers.
Leaves and about 20 grams of water to drink kira.dibebeuk.diperes 3x sapoe.uyahan little.

9.paru sehat..jang lungs of smokers.
Dilalab or in godog leaves and rely batangna.sacukupna 2 drinks.

Hopefully useful ..

WE tree ring "Eclypta Alba.

     "WE tree ring" Eclypta Alba.

Assalamuallaikum Excuse me.

Tree, shrub or bush WE bring many areas Sunda.hirupna dikebon.digaleungan sawah.diburuan.disisi walls are slightly wet.
Dimasarakat public usually only know we bring the drug to herbal hair hungkul.padahal addition to rambut.seeur very beneficial to the public's Disease in people's disabudereun.
So hopefully this is useful information ..
Nanapon efficacy trees or leaves us bring such ...

1.obat hair / anti kotombe / or reduce huis uban.carana;
Wash clean the plant dibebeuk continue to swipe bubuk.balurkeun kasabudeur we head.
By routine Allah hair soft and glossy black.

2.pendarahan and whitish wife does;
Wash the leaves taste .godog ngagolak..caina to drink 2 glasses sapoena.insya God damang.kanggo white slippers on 3x sapoena.

3.darah tinggi..carana;
Godog roots and drink 2 glasses sapoena.hyper deui.mun have normal blood pressure down pressure darahna.distop drink godogan was.

4.sesah BAB..minum godogan and a glass a day.

5.rileks / relaxation.
Godogan and drink mixed with honey.
Circulatory lancar.awak be fit.

6.gangguan kidney difficult kencing./ diuretik.carana;
Godogan mixed drink and drink a glass of salt sakedik.sapoe.

7.pemulihan newly birth to;
Godogan was drinking honey mixed with bulbs Riddles sacukupna..Insya God .nifas.moal hemorrhage fever.

8.rutin drink godogan leaves ieu.mata so bengras.bersih.
Hopefully the benefits.

KAMANDILAN / ground mustard "

        "KAMANDILAN / ground mustard"
Nasturtium Montananum wall.

Assalamuallaikum Excuse me.

Hi history tree Kamandilan many disabudereun sawah.kebon.buruan.
Through tree seems like only a small sosin.
In addition to feeling dilalab.kamandilan this Herbal medicine can be exotic.
Such that Blandongan.

1.TBC./ sputum / sore throat does;
Tree kamandilan 5 siki.cuci bersih.godog water gelas.tinggal 5 3 3 gelas..minum glass sapoena..insya God unhealthy.

2.campak / .How smallpox;
Bebeuk leaves and continue to strain ditambih madu.minum 2 tablespoons sapoena.
To coast into the wound cacar.sesa leaves dibebeuk balurkeun canoe injuries.

3.rematik.encok.radang akut.carana joints;
Lalab consumption for everyday.
Godogan sauna drink 3 cups a day.

4.Hepatitis / lever..carana;
Godogan drink leaves and roots of a large group of kamandilan + + sugar Oval sacukupna..minum two glasses sapoena

5.Maag Flu and drink the same water and godogan.

6.dipacok oray.kalajengking .titinggi.engang.
Bebeuk leaves or destroyed kunyah.tos popokeun canoe sereud or injuries.

7.Luka getihan.tinggal dibalur by bebeukan leaves ieu.langsung actions.

8.peluruh kencing.carana;
godogan and drink three glasses sapoena.
Hopefully the benefits.

eh is a drink that contains caffeine, an infusion made by brewing leaves, leaf tops, or dried petioles from the Camellia sinensis plant with hot water. Tea derived from tea plants is divided into 4 groups: black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and white tea.

The term "tea" is also used for drinks made from fruit, spices or other medicinal plants that are brewed, for example, rosehip, camomile, chrysanthemum and Jiaogulan teas. Tea that does not contain tea leaves is called herbal tea.

Tea is a natural source of caffeine, theophylline and antioxidants with fat, carbohydrate or protein levels close to zero percent. Tea when drunk feels a bit bitter which is a pleasure from tea.

Flower tea with a mixture of jasmine flower buds called jasmine tea or jasmine scented tea is the most popular type of tea in Indonesia [1]. Tea consumption in Indonesia of 0.8 kilograms per capita per year is still far below other countries in the world, although Indonesia is the fifth largest tea producing country in the world. [2]

Table of contents
1 History of Tea
1.1 Tea Trip to Japan
1.2 Tea trips to the West
1.3 Tea in America and England
2 Tea processing and grouping
3 tea potions
4 Composition
5 Tea in various languages
6 Packaging
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
Tea History
China became the cradle of tea, where the Chinese tea tree (Camellia sinensis) was discovered and originated. Precisely in the southwestern province of Yunnan. The climate of the region is tropical and sub-tropical, where the area is indeed an ancient forest. Such an area, which is warm and humid, is a very suitable place for tea plants, and there is even wild tea that is 2,700 years old and the rest of the tea plants grown that reach the age of 800 years are found here.

Legend is the oldest form of documentation, where it is told that Shennong became the forerunner of agriculture and medicinal herbs, also the inventor of tea. It was said in his book that he directly tried many herbal ingredients and used tea as an exterminating drug if he was exposed to the poison of the herb he tried. His life ended because he drank a poisonous concoction and did not have time to drink poisoned tea which caused his internal organs to become inflamed.

Chinese tea was originally used for medicinal ingredients (8th century BC), and even then it has thousands of years of history. The Chinese at that time chewed tea (770 BC-476 BC) they enjoyed a pleasant taste from the extract of tea leaves. Tea is also often combined with various types of food and soup mix.

In the era of the Han dynasty (221 BC - 8 AD), tea began to be processed with fairly simple processing, formed rounded, dried and stored, tea began to be used as a drink, tea brewed and combined with other ingredients (for example: ginger) and this habit firmly attached to the culture of Chinese society. Furthermore, tea is then used as a tradition in entertaining guests. After the Ming Dynasty, many types of tea were later discovered and added, popular teas later developed in Canton (Guangdong) and Fukien (Fujian) regions.

The consumption of Chinese culture will spread tea habits, even tightly attached to every layer of society. In 800 AD, Lu Yu wrote a book entitled "Ch'a Ching" which defines tea. Lu Yu was an orphan who was raised by Buddhist priest scholars in one of the best monasteries in China. As a young man, he often opposes clerical education discipline which then makes him have good observation, his performance increases from year to year, even so, he feels his life is empty and meaningless.

After halfway through his life, he retired for 5 years to isolate himself. With his biography and journey he had visited, he conditioned various methods of planting and managing ancient Chinese tea.

Tea trip to Japan
It turns out that the influence of Chinese tea infects Japan, tea consumption spreads through Chinese culture which eventually reaches every aspect of society. Tea seeds were brought to Japan by a Buddhist priest named Yeisei who saw that Chinese tea was able to increase concentration while meditating. He is known as the father of tea in Japan, because of this origin, Japanese tea is closely related to Zen Buddhism. Tea was also in demand in the Japanese empire, which then spread rapidly among the Japanese castles and communities.

Tea is even a culture and part of the art that is poured in the Japanese Tea Ceremony (Cha-no-yu or hot water for tea). This ceremony requires long training, even years. The performance of Cha-no-yu is high in perfection, politeness, charm and elegance.

Tea trips to the West
Converting culture
the amount of tea that has been done in China and Japan turned out to be a byword in Europe. The caravan group even heard how people consumed tea, and got vague information, the funny thing was they heard that tea was brewed, salted, buttered and then eaten. Europeans who personally discovered tea and later wrote about it were Jesuit Father Jasper de Cruz in 1560. Portuguese established trade relations with China, developed a trade route by shipping tea to Lisbon and then Dutch ships left for France, the Netherlands and the Baltic tea then became more popular in the western hemisphere. It stopped in Europe at the time of Elizabeth I, and then trends in the Dutch kingdom. Tea became an expensive drink at that time (more than $ 100 per pound), so tea traders gained prosperity from it. Dutch people are very fond of tea, and tea consumption has increased rapidly, although many have questioned the benefits of tea, and various other negative effects. Whatever it is, the community in general no longer disputes / is affected and returns to enjoy this tea drink. Tea is a part of the people in Europe, and a variety of tea consumption combinations are tried, such as mixing tea with milk. At that time tea service was first served in the restaurant. The drinks shop also provides complete portable tea utensils with heating equipment. The tea was very popular in France, but it did not last long (approximately fifteen years), and was later replaced by its popularity with drinks that had stronger appeal such as wine, coffee, and chocolate. In America and England In 1650, the Dutch people were very active in trade to the Western world. Peter Stuyvesant, who brought Chinese tea to America for the first time to his colony (the place was known as: New York until now). The first time he arrived in England around the 1650s, afterwards tea became a very popular beverage and could even be said to be the national beverage of the community United Kingdom. Tea processing and grouping Tea is grouped according to processing methods. The leaves of Camellia sinensis tea immediately wither and undergo oxidation if not dried immediately after picking. The drying process makes the leaves dark, because of the breakdown of chlorophyll and detachment of tannin elements. The next process is wet heating with hot steam so that the water content of the leaves evaporates and the oxidation process can be stopped at a predetermined stage. Tea leaf processing is often referred to as "fermentation" even though the actual use of this term is not appropriate. Tea processing does not use yeast and no ethanol is produced as is the actual fermentation process. Tea processing that is not true can indeed cause tea to be overgrown with fungi that result in a fermentation process. Tea that has undergone fermentation with mushrooms must be discarded, because it contains toxins and carcinogenic elements. Grouping of tea is based on oxidation level: White tea Tea made from leaf buds that do not undergo oxidation and when not yet picked are protected from sunlight to block the formation of chlorophyll. White tea is produced in fewer amounts than other types of tea so the price becomes more expensive. White tea is less well known outside of China, although white tea in packs of teabags is also becoming popular. Green tea The leaves of tea made as green tea are usually processed immediately after picking. After the leaves have oxidized in a minimal amount, the oxidation process is stopped by heating (traditional Japanese method by using steam or traditional Chinese ways by roasting on a hot pan). Dry tea can be sold in the form of tea leaves or rolled tightly in the form of small balls (tea called gun powder). Oolong The oxidation process is stopped in the middle between green tea and black tea which usually takes 2-3 days. Black tea or red tea Tea leaves are allowed to be fully oxidized for about 2 weeks to 1 month. Black tea is the most common type of tea in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh) and most countries in Africa such as: Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi and Zimbabwe. The literal translation of hanzi characters for Chinese (红茶) or (紅茶) in Japanese is "red tea" because tea water is actually red. Westerners call it "black tea" because tea leaves are black. In South Africa, "red tea" is the name for rooibos tea which belongs to the class of herbal tea. Black tea is still divided into 2 types: Orthodox (tea is processed with traditional processing methods) or CTC (Crush, Tear, Curl tea production method that developed since 1932). Unblended black tea is grouped by origin
bunan, year of production, and period of picking (early spring, second picking, or fall). Orthodox and CTS teas are still divided according to post-production leaf quality according to Orange Pekoe.Pu-erh standards (Póu léi in Cantonese) Pu-erh tea consists of two types: "raw" and "cooked." Pu-erh tea which is still "raw" can be used directly for tea or stored for some time until "cooked". During storage, Pu-erh tea undergoes the second stage of microbiological oxidation. The "ripe" pu-erh tea is made from artificially oxidized tea leaves to resemble the taste of "raw" puerh tea that has long been stored and undergoes a natural aging process. The "ripe" pu-erh tea is made by controlling the humidity and temperature of tea leaves similar to the composting process. Pu-erh tea is usually sold in solid form after being pressed into a brick, small plate or bowl. Pu-erh tea is pressed so that the second stage of the oxidation process can run, because the pu-erh tea that is not pressed will not experience the ripening process. The longer it is stored, the aroma of pu-erh tea becomes even better. Pu-erh tea which is still "raw" is sometimes stored for up to 30 years or even 50 years to mature. Tea experts and tea enthusiasts have not yet met an agreement on storage time that is considered optimal. Storage for 10 to 15 years is often considered sufficient, although pu-erh tea can be taken after less than a year of storage. Pu-erh tea drinks are made by boiling pu-erh tea leaves in boiling water often for up to five minutes. Tibetans have the habit of drinking pu-erh tea mixed with butter from yak fat, sugar and salt.
Tea potions
Most of the tea brands sold on the market are the result of tea-making ingredients that make a unique blend for the brand from a variety of different tea leaves. The delicious taste of high-quality and high-priced tea can usually cover the taste of low-quality tea, so the quality of tea can increase and can be sold at a more reasonable price. The concoction of tea also keeps the taste of tea owned by certain brands stable throughout time.

Jasmine tea is made by mixing jasmine buds that are ready to bloom. Before being mixed with jasmine buds, the tea leaves undergo a moisturizing process so that the fragrant jasmine can stick to the tea leaves.

Tea contains a type of antioxidant called catechins. In fresh tea leaves, catechin levels can reach 30% of dry weight. Green tea and white tea contain high catechins, while black tea contains less catechins because catechins are lost in the oxidation process. Tea also contains caffeine (about 3% of dry weight or about 40 mg per cup), theophylline and theobromine in small amounts. [3]

Tea in various languages
Hanzi characters for tea are 茶, but are spoken differently in various Chinese dialects. Speakers of Hokkien from Xiamen call it te, while Cantonese speakers in Guangzhou and Hong Kong call it cha. Speakers of the Wu dialect in Shanghai and its surroundings call it zoo.

Languages ​​that call "tea" follow the title te according to Hokkien language: Afrikaans (tee), Armenian, Catalan (te), Danish (te), Dutch (thee), English (tea), Esperanto (teo ), Estonian (tee), Faroe (te), Finnish (tee), French (thé), Frisian (tee), Galician (té), German (Tee), Hebrew (תה, / te / or / tei /), Hungarian (tea), Icelandic (te), Irish (tae), Italian (tè), Latin (thea), Latvian (tēja), Malay (teh), Norwegian (te), Polish (Latin herbata thea), Gaelic-Scottish (tì, teatha), Sinhala, Spanish (té), Swedish (te), Tamil (thè), Welsh (te), and Yiddish (טיי, / tei /).

Languages ​​that call "tea" follow the name cha or chai: Albanian (çaj), Arabic (شَاي), Bengali (চা), Bosnian (čaj), Bulgarian (чай), Kapampangan (cha), Cebuano (tsa), Croatian (čaj), Czech (čaj), Greek (τσάι), Hindi (चाय), English English (char, chai) *, Japanese (茶, ち ゃ, cha), Korean (차), Macedonian (čaj), Malayalam, Nepali (chai), Persian (چاى), Punjabi (ਚਾਹ), Portuguese (chá), Romanian (ceai), Russian, (чай, chai ), Serbian (чај), Slovak (čaj), Slovenian (čaj), Swahili (chai), Tagalog (tsaa), Thai (ชา), Tibetan (ja), Turkish (çay), Ukrainian (чай), Urdu (چاى) and Vietnamese (trà or chè).

* It's rarely spoken.


Tea bag
Tea bag
Tea is packaged in small bags which are usually made of paper with a rope. Teabags are very popular because they are practical for making tea, but heavy tea lovers usually don't like the taste of teabags.
Filter tea
Tea is packaged in small bags that are usually made of non-string paper. Filter tea is very popular because it is practical to make tea in large quantities and produce more concentrated than teabags.
Brewed tea (tea leaves)
Tea is packed in cans or wrapped in a plastic or paper wrap. The amount of tea can be arranged according to taste and is often considered impractical. Tea strainer is used so that floating tea is not drunk. In addition, tea can also be included in tea bags before brewing. A Chinese tea bowl called gaiwan can be used to filter tea leaves when pouring tea into another tea bowl.
Pressed tea
Tea is pressed to be solid for storage and ripening purposes. Pu erh tea is sold in solid form and is taken little by little when you want to drink. Tea that has been pressed has a longer shelf life than ordinary tea leaves.
Stick tea
Tea is packed in sticks from thin aluminum sheets that have small holes that serve as tea strainer.
Instant tea
Powdered tea that remains dissolved in hot or cold water. First created in the 1930s but not produced until the late 1950s. Instant tea has vanilla, honey, fruit, or mixed with milk powder.
See also
Chinese tea culture
Chinese Tea Manufacturer
Korean tea celebration
Tea ceremony
Assam tea
Orange Pekoe
List of tea companies
Filter tea
Teh tarik
Classic Tea
Teh Poci
Tegal Tea
Tea bottle