Tuesday, October 16, 2018

MARKISA leaves / passiflora edulils

   "Leaves Passion / Passiflora edulils"

Passion tree pretty much disabudereun urang.utamina always planted in front of the house.
Plant ngarambat.buahna usual drinks are always made fresh taste.
Besides fruit drinks are beneficial to the young .Daun very useful for the treatment of Herbs.
Kujalaran leaves the digodog.dibebeuk to balur.sareng consumed directly as lalab.atanapi in PINYUH leaves soon langsung.mung again had the passion leaves or ngora./ also bud.
Some of the triple good just by Blandongan Leaves Passion:

1.Darah High / Circulatory how smoothly:
Godog leaves Marquise 7 sheets until the remaining 3 cups water sagelas.minum weungi weungi.

2.Anti Cancer / Anti Oxidant / Aging to:
Regular consumption of 3 leaves of passion ngora.saban day as lalab.
PINYUH or in hot water canoe gelas.tiis drink a glass of water a day.

3.Asma to:
Godog 5 leaves of passion that ngora.caina until the remaining 2 cups sagelas.minum herb was two days once.

4.Insomnia / insomnia how:
Consumption shoots passion sacukupna.sapertos lalab.

5.Mencret / Dysentery how:
4 leaves of passion in the young bebeuk little salt +. + Water pressed quarter gelas.saring.minum caina.sapoe are not limited to 3x.

6.Monopause / actions will Haid to:
She always nyaleuri awak.uring uringan.konsumsi routine godogan leaves Passion 4 sheets of water 3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum every day.

7.Pencernaan how smoothly:
Because the leaves contain fiber that passion to tinggi.sae pencernaan.rutin ngalalab bud.

8.Imunitas body good / reduced body pain / tooth pain / pain in the waist to:
Drinking Godogan leaves Marquise 3 sheets 2 water gelas.sesakeun half gelas.minum two days once for immunity to tubuh.mun nyeri.minum every poe.dugi unhealthy nyerina.

9.Mata good / Anti-inflammatory to:
Vit C and Vit A.sareng high content Markisa.konsumsi leaf bud by ditinyuh hot water in gelas.tiis diminum.sapoe glass.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Avocado leaves / Persea americana miller

   "Leaves Avocado / Persea americana miller"

Hello ... Hello w.w

Avocado trees are God willing we will all barireuk again.
The fruit is also beneficial pisan.kitu seeds alpuketna some time ago beneficial ever posted by Myself.
Myself now going maparkeun uses or benefits to arrive Avocado leaves Herbal Medicine.
Nanapon Avocado leaves that can be used obat.nyaeta leaves the color bright clean green leaves parents warnana.sareng na.
By way in bebeuk to keep drugs out of or in dibalurkeun godog drinking water na.atanapi dibaheum diseseup water.
These are some that can triple in Blandongan by leaves Avocado:

Kidney 1.Batu to:
Avocado leaves are dark green 5 sheets of boiled water 3 gelas.sesakeun glass drink 1/2 cup 2x sapoena.

2.Nyeri waist to:
Godog 3 leaves are dark green water sa gelas.sesakeun half .Drinking 1/2 cup sapoena.

3.Diabetes / High Blood to:
Godog 5 leaves are dark green water two gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum malam.rutin until blood pressure and glucose levels normal.

4.Sariawan to:
Baheum avocado leaves 2 pucuk.seseup water ..Insya He ran well.

5.Kulit Bright Clean / swelling swelling are to:
Bebeuk leaves ngora.balurkeun canoe skin problems 15 menit.bilas.sadinten once.

Hair 6.Penghitam to:
Bebeuk green leaf old 5 lembar.balurkeun canoe Rambut.20 minutes rinse can continue keramas.saminggu 2x

7.Syaraf Kajepit to:
Godog 3 leaves Avocado moderate kolotna.ku 2 gelas.sesakeun water glass.
Drink regularly every day.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

KAMANDILAN / ground mustard

   "KAMANDILAN / ground mustard"
Nasturtium Montananum wall.

Assalamuallaikum Excuse me.

Hi history tree Kamandilan many disabudereun sawah.kebon.buruan.
Through tree seems like only a small sosin.
In addition to feeling dilalab.kamandilan this Herbal medicine can be exotic.
Such that Blandongan.

1.TBC./ sputum / sore throat does;
Tree kamandilan 5 siki.cuci bersih.godog water gelas.tinggal 5 3 3 gelas..minum glass sapoena..insya God unhealthy.

2.campak / .How smallpox;
Bebeuk leaves and continue to strain ditambih madu.minum 2 tablespoons sapoena.
To coast into the wound cacar.sesa leaves dibebeuk balurkeun canoe injuries.

3.rematik.encok.radang akut.carana joints;
Lalab consumption for everyday.
Godogan sauna drink 3 cups a day.

4.Hepatitis / lever..carana;
Godogan drink leaves and roots of a large group of kamandilan + + sugar Oval sacukupna..minum two glasses sapoena

5.Maag Flu and drink the same water and godogan.

6.dipacok oray.kalajengking .titinggi.engang.
Bebeuk leaves or destroyed kunyah.tos popokeun canoe sereud or injuries.

7.Luka getihan.tinggal dibalur by bebeukan leaves ieu.langsung actions.

8.peluruh kencing.carana;
godogan and drink three glasses sapoena.
Hopefully the benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.pun also rahayu.rahayu great will.
Cag.bule whites.

Efficacy of BODAS / gallium sativun L

  "Efficacy of garlic / gallium sativun L"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

Garlic Allah has dikarenal by us all.
In addition to the principal ingredients janteun herbs.
already famous Garlic can also to herbal remedies.
Short stories are some of the benefits Garlic is going dipeudar:

1.Kanker / cholesterol / triglycerides to:
Can directly lalab two cloves a day.
Or work in the spice sayur.diiris rather large. routine.

2.Diabetes / Hypertension / Detox toxic chemical drugs to the former:
Garlic Hsiung in parud. + Young potatoes cut in a quarter of an parud water glass.
Drinking day sakali.dugi down the gula.ereun drink.

3.Anemia / Rhematik / Digestive how smoothly:
Three cloves garlic 2 cups godog.caina
Sagelas.minum until the remaining day and a glass.

4.Asma / bronchitis how:
Consumption of garlic a day Hsiung bodas.dilalab.

5.Stamina / Healthy Pregnancy to:
Two days once the consumption of garlic Hsiung.

6.Syaraf healthy / Impontensia to:
Godog garlic 3 siung.caina 3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum day glass.

7.Lever / aging to:
Regular consumption of vegetables every day that an onion out in white.

8.Sinusitis / Polyps how:
Blend garlic Hsiung + water pressed sakedik.peres..caina teteskeun to each hole hidung.satetes lubang.seseup by hidung.sapoe two kali.pagi and night.

9.Selulit / warts / Panu how:
Garlic in blender.balurkeun canoe selulit.jeung kutil.panu..insya God unhealthy.
Cellulite is flat.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

POTATO # solanum tuberosum

   "Potatoes # Solanum tuberosum"

Hello w.w ..Sampurasun

The name Hui Potato God willing we will all barireuk deui.didaerah R Potato regular disayur or made of a variety of snack food until Kiripik potatoes.
Seem typical, tastes and nyehatkeun.
Minerals and other such VitaminD, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus,
Zinc, vitamin B6, Karbo hydrate.
very good to the health of us all.
These are some of the triple can Blandongan by Hui Potatoes:

1.Diabetes to:
Consumption boil potatoes sadidinten to replace Rice.
Because the potato content Karbo hydrate and low, benteun carbo hydrates and rice tinggi.kukituna potatoes are good to have triple Diabetes.
Carbo hydrate less good to have a high sugar content.

2.Kanker Prostate / Tumor how:
Vitamin B6 is found in potatoes, not to prevent tumors and prostate cancer.
Consumption 2 seed potatoes boil sapoena.

Kidney 3.Batu to:
2 seed potatoes washed by brushing.
godog water 6 gelas.sesakeun 2 cups.
Godogan water consumption of potatoes was sapoena 2 gelas..kentangna can also be poured.

4.Kolesterol / High Blood to:
A raw potato is sedeung ageungna + garlic cloves diparud sa + water pressed gelas.hijikeun.diperes quarter.
Drinking water runs down the days sakali.3 psnyawatna.ereunan consumption of herbal.

5.Jantung to:
Potassium and Magnesium high, good for the circulation of the heart of God darah.Insya safe.
Consumption 3 seeds boil potatoes each day.

6.Regenerasi new cells to:
Sadidinteun potato vegetable consumption.

7.Bisul / Acne / puffy eyes how:
Sliced ​​potatoes ipis.tempelkeun canoe bisul.salian cold, not to ngasakeun benyeur ulcers.
Acne how to paste the same.
Ge points to the same paste canoe swollen.

8.Tulang / Frame body healthy way:
Mineral Kalsium.Besi.Seng.Fosfor very good to flesh child or elder.
Consumption boil potatoes sapoena a pair of my.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Leaves, sport / Gap galanga

   Leaves, sport / Gap galanga "

Sport disabudereun R, is known to have the old.
In addition to herbs that have a distinctive flavor, sometimes also used as a medicine in rajeun off the manager and rice ..
Is known that rice cikur.kanggo ngabalur tiparieus or tipalitek.
Actual information is very beneficial to the health of sport mainly of leaves na.
These are some of the benefits of sport Leaves:

1.Asup wind / flu / cough to:
Leaf Sport 3 lembar.tinyuh hot water canoe gelas.tos slightly cold, the water in minum.sspoe can be limited to 2 cups.

2.Radang Hull to:
Leaf consumption sport is young, works lalab 5 sapoena.rutin sheet.

3.Nyeri ear / dental pain / sore throat to:
Baheum leaves 2 lembar.seseup water sport point of the tongue / tongue Gigi.sadinteun the pain can be limited to 4 times.
similar to the sore throat.
To the ear, Reus leaves sport a piece that has been washed clean.
Keclakeun water canoe ear drops that hurt 2.

4.Darah High-how:
Godog leaves Cikur 10 sheets
Water 3 gelas.sesakeun two gelas.minum morning and night.

5.Asam Vein how:
Consumption leaves sport in taste by lalab routine every day.

6.Haid not regular / Diarrhea how:
Consumption leaves 5 lembar.rutin sport every day,
To go a week before menstruation.
To Diare.daun sport dilalab 7 sheets.
3x a day can konsumsina.dugi to unhealthy.

7.Diet / Kaseleo to:
Sport + bulbs waterfall half tablespoon of rice, in bebeuk + water half gelas.dikocek continue diminum.sadinteun sakali.kanggo Diet.
Kaseleo.ramuan to stay dibalurkeun earlier.

8.Mata tired to:
Leaves sport dikeeum panas.pas warm water and then leaves the guild ditutupkeun eyes are lelah.cukup 5 minutes each one eye.

9.Anak appetite to:
2 sheets leaf sport wash bersih.terus bebeuk.caina canoe sendokeun + honey.
Minumkeun to children 2 days once rejected Rampus foundry.
Hopefully benefits.

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun the Blessed, blessed Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.

Leaves and Fruit Union / T antidema

  "The leaves and fruit of the Union / T antidema"

Hello w.w..Sampurasun

And fruit trees have started Huni rare Sunda region.
My preferences I have a trunk.
Metamorphic Children now are not many trees to BBC Huni.
Huni fruit taste Sour nyegeurkeun.rada kesed..biasana be bebeuk salad.
Huni fruit contains vitamins A, B1, C, B2, E.zat besi.Fosfor, Potassium, Fiber high.
many very beneficial to health.
In addition to his regular consumption, leaves young tree shoots Huni can dilalab directly.
How to serve Huni fruit and leaves for medicinal herbs can be in the godog.diblender, in lalab.atawa fruit consumed directly.
Some of which can be triple Blandongan by fruit and leaves Huni:

1.Anemia to:
Godog of habitable satangkupan ramo.caina 3 gelas.sesakeun sagelas.minum night can + honey.

2.Kolesterol / Digestive how smoothly:
PINYUH water panas.buah habitation or leaves the 3 lembar.kanu gelas.tutup gelasna.atos cold drinking water. regular consumption.

3.Jantung to:
Bebeuk fruit and seeds habitable sacukupna.tinyuh canoe cup of boiling water.
Drink a glass a day.

4.Darah dirty / Acne / wound / ulcer to:
Consumption shoots Huni.di lalab.rutin.
To remedy luar.bebeuk leaves na.balurkeun the pain.

5.Kanker Kolon.Usus to:
Regular consumption of fruit juice or leaves Huni habitation.

6.Mata healthy / cough medicine to:
Godogan consumption Leaves / Fruit Huni sacukupna.dua once a day and a half cups.
To Cough can ditambih Honey.

7.panyakit dirty / Syphilis how:
Leaves and fruit Huni bebeuk + salt
+ Little water consumption continues saring.caina 2 times sapoena.
hopefully Uses

Amin Myra.
Sapuk.Pun also Rahayu.Rahayu Sagung Genesis.
Cag..bule whites.